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PeSA Australia supports fairness for all eBay sellers

and expects all sellers to deal professionally and honestly.  

Registered Professional eBay Sellers are expected to uphold the following commitment to excellence:

  • To deal honestly, respectfully and professionally with all buyers on eBay.

  • To observe eBay policies and compete with integrity.

  • To respect and observe all laws and regulations relevant to the industry they operate in.


As part of PeSA Australia's commitment to professional eBay sellers, in specific instances, we will escalate policy violations directly to eBay for review.

To make use of this free service, you must:

  • Be a registered with PeSA Australia.  If you're not already registered, please register here first.

  • Have first reported the violation to eBay directly at least 1 week prior to submitting it below.

  • Provide your eBay username and consent to it being provided to eBay for the purpose of verifying the report.

  • Provide adequate details of the violation so eBay can easily and objectively identify it.  This should include URLs of offending listings, eBay store page or eBay search results.  Simply stating that a seller is violating a policy is not sufficiently actionable and will not be forwarded to eBay.  Where sellers are being reported for duplicate listings, provide the duplicate listing URLs in full for at least 1 product, and a search result URL that will allow other duplicates to be easily identified.


  • Not knowingly be violating the same policy you are reporting another seller for.

eBay will not usually share details of actions they do or don't take in response to policy violations, so do not expect a follow up response after submitting a report below.  If your submission is not escalated to eBay, we will email you to either explain why, or to ask for more information.  

By submitting a report above, you are declaring that:

  • You are not knowingly violating the same policy you are reporting.

  • You have reported the same violation directly to eBay previously

  • You understand eBay may take action against members who submit false reports.

  • You understand that eBay and eBay alone can dictate and decide what is a policy violation and what is not, and what action they will or won't take against a reported seller.

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